The story is divided into chapters, each composed of a number of installments roughly a page in length. A new installment is published once a day, every day. The story is currently in its second chapter, which begins here. If you want to catch up to the story to date, there are two options:
- If you just want a quick primer before carrying on with the story from the current chapter, you can read this summary of events so far. It's short, sweet and to the point, but be warned; reading a one-page summary will likely not be as enjoyable as reading the story as it was written.
- If you want to experience the full story as it was originally told, you can do so here; the document contains every installment so far, very lightly edited to improve flow and correct the occasional typo that slipped through the first time, but for all intents and purposes exactly the same as the story as it was told the first time around.
(If you're really into authenticity, you can read the original blog posts one by one, starting here, but this is not all that different to the second option above, and a lot more hassle)
Finally, a number of "extras" have been posted on the blog, mainly short pieces of text describing the background and details of the Shattered Twilight setting. They are by no means essential, but you might find your reading experience improved if you give them a glance. They can be found by clicking on the "Extras" tag in the "Categories" box on the right of the blog.
Happy reading!
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